Located in the Chiquibul Forest Reserve, Caracol is the largest Mayan archeological site in Belize, so large in fact that it would have once covered an area much larger than present day Belize City (the largest metropolitan area in the country of Belize) and supported more than twice the population. Today Caracol covers 30 square miles of high canopy jungle and is comprised of over 35,000 ruins that have been identified – a pretty impressive site. The largest is Caana, a pyramid that rises over 140 feet above the jungle floor and is capped by three temples. Although it is quite a trek to the top,
the effort of climbing to the top of Caana (Sky Place) is rewarded by spectacular panoramic views. Caracol is renowned not only for its size during the Maya Classic era, but also for its fighting prowess during the war. In AD 562 it defeated Guatemala, only to return with a follow up conquest not long after.

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